ChartHop for Administrators
People Ops Tools

Configuring a form

You can configure how your form works from the Settings tab of your form. In the Settings tab, you can configure:

  • Who you want to respond to your form
  • Whether or not your form requires approvals
  • Whether the identity of who responds to your form is visible
  • Whether your form can be saved or edited after submission
  • Email notifications for your form
ChartHop form settings
Form Settings

To configure your form settings:

  1. From the left sidebar, select People Ops Tools.
  2. From the sub-menu, select Forms.
  3. Select and open the form you want to configure.
  4. Select the Settings tab. The Form Settings display.
  5. Configure the form settings as needed. See the table below for descriptions of each form setting.
  6. Select Save & Exit to save and apply your settings.

Form settings

The following form settings are available in the Settings tab:




Indicates the status of the form. Select from the following statuses:

  • Active - the form is published and available for use. 
  • Inactive - the form is unpublished and unable to collect responses. Leave this status set to Inactive until you’re ready to distribute the form.
  • Archived - the form has been archived. Archived forms are not deleted, but are inactive and no longer displayed in the Forms list unless you filter specifically for Archived forms. Learn more.

Who can complete this form? 

Indicates the group of people who are eligible for filling out this form. When you use this form in a review, the respondent relationships defined in this field are applied to the employees made eligible in the review. Learn more.

”The person” - refers to the person who is going to complete the form.

Select from the following options:

  • The person about themselves - Use this for when people need to fill out forms about themseleves such as their own 1:1 notes.
  • Everyone in the org except about themselves - Use this for when people need to fill out forms about other people at the company. For example, a shoutout or recognition form that I would fill out about a coworker. 
  • The person or their manager -  Use this if the information in the form is about the person or their manager For example, a shared goal setting form.
  • The person’s manager - Use this form completed by a manager. For example, a downward review or manager’s 1:1 form. 
  • The person’s manager’s manager - Use this for a form completed by a manager’s manager. For example, a skip-level feedback form.
  • The direct reports of the person - Use this for a form completed by the direct reports of the person. For example, an upward review.
  • Selected peers - Use this for a form completed by the direct reports of the person. For example, a peer review.
    • This option will prompt you to select a field to use as the source of the identified “peers”
  • Users with sensitive access only - Use this option for forms that include sensitive fields or responses. Learn more. For example, HRBP private notes. 
  • Custom - Use this if you have a use case where only a certain group of people can respond to the form. Use Carrot to select which group of people. Learn more. For example, if you wanted the form to only be able to be completed by people on the sales team, you could write target.department=“sales” or if you wanted to limit the form to people who are offboarding, you could use endDateOrg:*.

Whose profile should this form automatically show up on? 

At the top of each person’s profile are buttons for filling out forms. The buttons will appear only for the people previously selected in Who can complete this form and on the profiles of people determined by this setting:

  • No one’s profile unless there is a pending task - This is the default value and will not show on the profile unless you have a pending task to complete the form. Select this option for a form that you will be sending out with Reviews or Actions. For example, if I need to complete a peer review for a coworker, I will see a “Peer Review” button on their profile but I will not see the button on the profile of other people at the company who I can not complete peer reviews for.
  • Everyone’s profile - The button will appear on all people’s profile who the form applies to, which depends on what you have selected for “Who can complete this form. Select this option for a form that you always want accessible on the profile. For example, a Shoutout form where you have selected “Everyone in the org except about themselves”' for who can complete this form. This will show up on everyone’s profile other than your own. 
  • Only specific people’s profiles (Custom) - The button will appear on the profile of a subset of people defined by you. For example, a part-time employee hours submission that you only want to show for part-time employees You would add employment:part.

Allow saving drafts

Determines whether respondents can save their form entries as drafts. 

When this is enabled, a Save Draft button displays for respondents and they have the ability to save and return.

Populate form with previous response?

Determines whether answers are cleared between submissions by the same person. 

  • Yes, display previous responses or existing data - use this for forms where the previous information is helpful in determining you next response
  • No, start with a blank form every time - use this for any recurring forms or any forms where previous answers do not matter

Who can see the identity of the respondent?

Determines who can see the identity of form respondents. Select from the following options:

  • Anyone who can view the submission (Non-anonymous) - Indicates anyone with the security to see the form submission can view the respondent’s identity.
  • Users with Highly sensitive access (Highly sensitive) - Indicates only users with highly sensitive access can view the respondent’s identity.
  • No one (anonymous) - Indicates the respondent’s identity is completely anonymous.

Allow respondents to edit their responses after submission

Determines whether respondents can change their responses after they’ve submitted a form. If the form is added to a profile tab, a user will be able to edit their previously submitted forms via the pencil icon next to the form response.

How long can responsese be edited?

Determines the time frame which the submitter is allowed to edit their submission

  • Within a specific time period - Indicates respondents can edit their responses after they submit their form for a specific number of days. Enter the number of days.
  • Until a specific date - Indicates respondents can edit their responses up to a specific date. Enter the specific date.


Determines whether approval is required for this form. Select from the following approval options:

  • No approval required - Indicates this form does not have to be approved after submission.
  • Manager - Indicates this form has to be approved by the respondent’s manager after submission.
  • Manager's manager - Indicates this form has to be approved by the manager's manager after submission.

Forms that require approval must be configured with an employee profile tab in order to approved or denied. Learn more.

Email responses to

Determines the individuals or group within your organization to notify every time the form is submitted. You can select to notify:

  • The person themselves - The person who the form is about.
  • The person's manager - The manager of the person who the form is about.
  • Specific individuals - Any user at your organization.

Form Appearance

There are 2 options to customize the appearance of your form:

Display name — The Admin name for a form that is used for organization: (FY23Q2 Engagement Survey - Engineering Version) often differs from the "display name" that you want people to see when completing a form (Engagement Survey 2023). The display name will appear everywhere that the form is displayed to people who will be completing the form or have completed the form.

How would you like your form to display? — Allows you to select how you want a form to appear to people who are completing it. The options are:

Pop-up — Recommended for short forms. Usually appears on the profile tab for most form settings. Provides a fast experience for things like shoutouts or feedback.

Standalone page — Recommended for longer forms or forms that will be completed on a mobile device. Provides a more imersive experience that's ideal for things like Onboarding, or Surveys. (Default)

Pop Up form

Standalone page forms
Standalone page

Packages: Basic | Standard | Premium

Roles: Owner | Technical owner | People Ops Admin