ChartHop for Administrators
Managing people and jobs
Effective dating

Creating effective dates

You can create effective dates in order to schedule changes to your job and employee data that can be applied in the present, past (backdated), and future.

Where to set effective dates

You can set effective dates from the following locations in ChartHop:

  • Data Sheet
  • When creating and editing jobs
  • Spreadsheet import tool
  • Payroll app settings

Set effective dates from the Data Sheet

You can set effective dates for specific job and employee data from the Data Sheet. By default, when editing data in the Data Sheet, your edits are put into effect the same day you make the change. For example, you could edit an employee's information in the Data Sheet by changing their department and manager assignments today. Once you've saved the edits, the changes are put into effect immediately and the effective date would be set to today's date.

Alternatively, you can use the date slider/picker tool to set effective dates for data to occur sometime in the past (backdating) or in the future. For example, you can make similar edits in the Data Sheet by changing another employee’s department and manager assignments. However this time, before making those changes in the Data sheet, you can set the date slider/picker to a future date which automatically sets the effective date for the change to occur on that date after the changes are saved.

To set effective dates using the Data sheet:

  1. From the left sidebar, select Data Sheet.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Use the date slider/picker tool to select the date you want your changes to take effect.
  4. Make your changes in the Data sheet.
  5. Select Save changes.

Set effective dates when creating and editing jobs

When creating or editing a job you can determine when the job's changes will be put into effect by specifying a date.

To set effective dates when creating and editing jobs:

  1. From the left sidebar, select Org Chart
  2. On the Org Chart, select the person or open job you want to edit (for example, by adding a direct report or editing job details)
  3. In the Profile Summary, you can edit a person's job by selecting Edit job, or open the menu next to the button and select Add direct report. Learn more.
  4. In the Create job or Edit job dialog, add job information to the appropriate sections as needed.
  5. Depending on whether you're creating a job or editing a job, under the Structure tab, the effective date section will be labeled accordingly:
    • Create date - The effective date label used when creating a job.
    • Effective date of change - The effective date label used when editing a job.
  6. Once you've filled out your appropriate changes and selected Save, your job edits will be put into effect according to the date you supplied to the Create date or Effective date of change sections.

Set effective dates from a spreadsheet import

You can set effective dates for multiple jobs in bulk using the spreadsheet import tool. To do this, add a date column to your spreadsheet when importing new job and employee data. When you include the date column and assign a date, ChartHop will automatically assign the date in the column as the data's effective date. Learn more.

If you don't include the date column, the effective dates for the job and employee data will default to the day you import the information into ChartHop.