Form responses
After you have collected responses for a form, you can view those responses in Summary, Sheet, or Individual views from within the Form, Review or Survey.
To view form responses:
- From the left sidebar, select People Ops Tools.
- Select Forms
- Select the Responses tab.

All availible responses to the form will be displayed in a default chart type.
If you would like to do additional analysis or share the responses with others, you can build a custom Dashboard by copying the Carrot expression next to the graph.

Using the dropdown at the top of the page, you are able to select a demographic field to split out the results by such as Department or Tenure Range.
These allow you to do quick analysis. For De-identified forms the options displayed will be restricted to the set of "Recorded" fields."

The sheet is a highly versetile way to view your form response data. It feels in many ways like a spreadsheet. A few features:
- View Approval or Release states
- See all responses both current and historical.
- Copying and pasting to a spreadsheet or document
- Navigating with your keyboard like a spreadsheet (along with keyboard tool like shift+arrows to select)
- Quick count/sums/average

If a form requires approval, you are able to see the status of that approval right within the table.

The third tab allows you to view, search and filter individual form responses in a visual card format.
Filter the responses or scroll to view additional responses.
If you need to modify data for a form, survey or review, it is best to edit the form response rather than edit the field directly. If you are editing a field within the form, that field value will be updated as well. If you have access to edit form responses then you have the following options.
To edit a form response on the Sheet view:
- Find the form response
- Click the Expand icon to view the individual response
- If you have proper permissions, you will see an pencil icon. Click the pencil icon to edit the form response.
- Edit the form response, then Save.
To edit a form response on the Individual view:
- Find the form response using the filters
- If you have proper permissions, you will see an pencil icon. Click the pencil icon to edit the form response.
- Edit the form response, then Save.
For example, if you want to see the responses submitted by the Sales department or forms that are about people who are managers.
You are be able to filter the results by:
- Who submitted the form
- Who the form is about
Depending on the setup of your form, the options will vary depending on the settings of your form. For example if those are the same person, then you will only see a filter for the "Submitted by."

Want to see all the survey responses from last year? No problem.
Note: this is only available on the Forms page. Surveys and Reviews will limit the response to submissions associated with that Survey or Review.

The form responses you have access to are:
- You are the person who submitted the form response
- You have read access to at least one of the fields in the form response.
- If the form is a mix of fields you do and do not have access to, you will see the response, but you will only see the responses to the fields you have access to.
If you have access to a Form, Survey or Review, then you will have access to the responses sheet. This does not mean that you will have access to all of the form responses. Regular access roles and permissions still apply.
Access to responses to questions depends on how the form is setup and how it is used.
Situation | Can they view it |
If the user is the respondent | ✅ You can always view your own responses to forms. |
If the user is in a built-in, custom access role with the formResponse:read permission | ✅ Owners are the only built in role with this permission. |
If the user has View, Edit or Owner access to the Survey or Review. | ✅ Giving access to a Survey or Review allows people to see responses. |
If the form response is hidden from who the form is about due to a workflow state such as: unapproved, rejected, or unreleased. | ❌ They cannot view until the form is out of that workflow state. |
All other users | ❌ Do not have access to the form response. |
If there is a mix of Fields and Questions in the form response, the field sensitivity will overrides the form response visibility. Fields have a configured field sensitivity such as Org Public or Private. Questions do not.
For example: If a user has access to view the form response but does have access to the field, then the form response will be displayed with responses to all Questions, but will not display the fields the user does not have access to.
The form response exporter will export the form responses display, so it will apply any of the filters for: Submitted On, Submitted By, or About.
To export your form responses as a CSV:
- Navigate to the Form > Responses Tab
- Set the correct time range and filter for the responses that you would like to export.
- In the right corner, select the import/export button, then select Export Form Responses as CSV
- Your export will then be generated. In the dialog, select Download Export.
Importing form responses can be useful for:
- Migrating a form or form responses from another system (ie. a previous performance review)
- Adding responses after a deadline or a form has closed
- Uploading responses for special stakeholders (ie. an executive who doesn't follow the normal process)
- Bulk updating or modifying existing form responses

- Create a CSV of the form responses that you would like to import
- Ensure that the form in ChartHop contains all of the questions or more that you would like to import. If you are importing a new form from another system, you will have to recreate that form within ChartHop.
- Navigate to the Form > Responses Tab
- In the right corner, select the import/export button, then select Import Form Responses
- Create a CSV that aligns to your form
- Click the Download example CSV template in the modal to get a form a starting point.
- See below for additional guidance about building out your CSV.
- Select the CSV
- Upload the CSV and import the form responses

We recommend your click download example CSV template in the modal to get a form a starting point for your import
Required Columns:
- submitPersonEmail - the email address of the person who submitted the form
- Identified & De-identified Forms - the email address of the person who submitted the form
- Anonymous Forms - Left blank, but must be included as a column
- submitAt - the date/time the form was submitted
- Accepted Date/Time formats:
- ISO format 2024-09-06T07:44:05Z
- Date formats 9/6/2024 or 2024-09-06 (Time will be set to 12:00 AM)
- Date & Time with Timezone 2023/10/24 3:15:41 PM AST (Google Sheets Default)
- One column per question in the form
- Match using:
- The text of the question (ex. Any other thoughts you'd like to share?)
- The linked field name, if applicable (ex. Additional Thoughts)
- You can leave out some questions if you wish
- Only questions currently in the form can be uploaded. Previous questions, which may still be listed in the response table, cannot be uploaded.
- Response must align with the format and constraints of a question or field. For example:
- Single Select - Must you one of the values (ex. Agree)
- Yes / No - Must use either use Yes or No
Other Columns:
- externalId - identifier of the form response if importing from another system
- Optional
- targetPersonEmail - email address of the person who the form is about
- Required if the form settings for: Who is this form about? -> Another Person
- assessment - name of the Review or Survey the form response is tied to
- 🚧 We only suggest using this if you already have this form linked in the Review or Survey.
- approvalStatus - The status of the form response if it has approval or review steps. Accepted Values:
- approvalAt - Timestamp of the approval
- approvalEmail - email address of the person who approved the form
- releaseAt - Timestamp of the release
- releaseEmail - email address of the person who released the form