Carrot reference
Converts a given value of type Date into a String.
- date - the date to be formatted, eg. startDateOrg
- format - the format of the Date, eg. 'MM-dd-YYY'
- locale - (optional) the language of the date, eg. 'es'
- Default: 'en-US'- American English
formatDate(startDateOrg) Returns the value of startDateOrg as a String.
formatDate(startDateOrg, 'EEEE, dd MMMM YYYY) Returns the value of the startDateOrg formatted as a String for example "Wednesday, 15 June 2022."
formatDate(startDateOrg, 'mm-dd-yyyy','es') Returns the value of startDateOrg as a String in Spanish for example "Miercoles, 14 junio 2022"
Updated 01 Feb 2024

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