Release notes
Release notes 2022
June 2022 release notes
🎁 Added
- Added user notification for how future start dates are handled when importing employee data
- Added Help icon for ChartHop Basic
- Usability enhancements for payroll apps
⚒ Fixed
- Error when attempting to share report
- Org Chart: Edit window appears behind the employee card
- Remove gap between user list and data sharing buttons
- Base fields - Updates in the billions not allowed
- "Next Step" grayed out even though it's clickable in ChartHop Basic spreadsheet importer
- Report chart and edit views are inconsistent for users with custom-filter limited access
- Reports - is:person filter not limiting results
- Departures not showing involuntary/voluntary/reason for sensitive view.
- Manager is not able to edit compensation through edit job.
- Performance review bundle- Form, Reports, tabs not appearing after installing
- Embeddable Org chart not working as expected.
- Trying to fill a job with a new hire brings up a 404
- Pie Charts getting cut off
- Total comp calculation displaying incorrectly when the combined totals of base and variable are above 2,147,483,647
- Dashboard - Slowness loading anniversaries and birthdays
- Reports - is:person filter not limiting results
🎁 Added
- New compensation bands feature
⚒ Fixed
- Selecting large quantities of employees in datasheet (around 500+) is giving an error
- Remove column from Org chart node indicator tool tips
- Compensation Tab - Unable to clear/remove compensation data for backfill jobs
- Maps: International employees inconsistently appearing
- Map is not showing employees when adding or updating work location
- Message saying 0 imported employees for ChartHop Basic
- User list showing terminated employees
- Some spreadsheet data was importing incorrectly (ChartHop Basic)
- Data import screen appears blank (ChartHop Basic)
- Edit job module - yes/no fields will not save
- Ensure that downloaded filenames match displayed filenames
- Unable to add manager using dropdown in Data Sheet
- Change import spreadsheet text to note that startDate is required for the initial import
- Data sheet - cannot create new view
- Fix avatar on overlapping menu (profile)
- Org Chart - Export of org chart is being cut off
- 'Add Rule' getting cut off when adding multiple filters depending on zoom/window size
Updated 29 May 2024

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