Given a value, returns that value as a Number.
- value - the Number, Money, Percent, Enum, Boolean, or String value to be converted by the function.
number($100) returns 100.
number(string(base)) returns the original value of base.
Input type | Return type | Logic |
Number | Number | If a Number value is passed, the same Number value will be returned. |
Money | Number | If a Money value is passed, the amount will be returned as a Number. |
Percent | Number | If a Percent value is passed, the amount will be returned as a Number of subtype Decimal where 50% is equivalent to .5. |
Enum | Number | If a numeric scale Enum value is passed, the numeric value is returned as a Number. |
Boolean | Number | If a Boolean value is passed, true will return the Number value 1, and false will return the Number value 0. |
String | Number | If a String value is passed, its constituent characters will be evaluated for compatibility with the Number data type. Characters which are compatible will be returned as a Number value. If two or more sets of compatible characters are separated by non-compatible characters (ex. "121yes121"), the compatible sets of characters will be returned as comma-separated values (ex. 121,121) |
Unsupported data types | Null | Unsupported data types return Null. |