ChartHop for Administrators
Compensation reviews
Setting up a compensation revi...

Preview and test a compensation review

Once you’re finished setting up the compensation review, you can preview and test the entire compensation review. ChartHop sets up a full test run of the compensation review as it displays to all reviewers and approvers. This test run is available only to you; reviewers and approvers can’t access the compensation review.

You can choose to preview the compensation review as a specific reviewer so that you can test and confirm that they're seeing the right people and guidelines. The compensation review is also fully editable, meaning you can also enter changes to see how those amounts affect the budget pools you set up and evaluate how your calculations are working. Any changes you make inside the preview are not saved.

Only one compensation review owner can preview/test at a time. When another compensation review owner changes the cycle settings, the compensation review preview is no longer available and must be regenerated so that it reflects the current settings.

Preview & test

To preview and test the compensation review:

  1. Open an existing compensation review with a status of Not started or Paused.
    • You can't preview a compensation review with a status of Active.
  2. From any setup tab, select Preview & test at the top right of the screen.
  3. Select Preview & test in the dialog.
  4. Select a specific reviewer or approver to preview as. The number of employees they are reviewing and/or approving displays next to their name in the banner at the top of the screen.
  5. Use the dropdown list to select another reviewer or approver.
  6. Once you have finished previewing, you can select Exit preview or Return to setup to return to the compensation review set up.

When you set up a preview, ChartHop verifies that all reviewers and approvers have access to ChartHop. If a reviewer or approver does not have access, ChartHop sends an email inviting them to ChartHop.
