ChartHop for Administrators

User access controls

ChartHop provides two paradigms for Administrators to control what users can see and do within ChartHop:

  1. Role-based Access controls what a particular user can see and do in general in a given org. Role-based access is “top-down”, tied to a user and configured by administrators. 
    1. E.g. “Owner” access role vs. “Employee” access role
  2. Sharing Access controls which users can see and manage a particular entity instance. Sharing access is “bottoms-up”, tied to a particular thing and configured by the user who created it.
    1. E.g. Sharing a scenario with someone, granting them "Editor" access, vs "Viewer" access to that particular scenario

These two frameworks provide administrators with powerful and granular control over what users can see and do within their ChartHop org.


