Release notes
- For users with access to Multiple ChartHop Accounts, each account will require independent authentication when switching accounts
- This includes users with access to a Sandbox Test Account for their organization
- Once authenticated, Tokens will last for multiple sessions as set on that account for fast switching convenience
- In Performance Reviews and Engagement Surveys, the Participation Tracking Graph has been updated.
- A single graph displaying the statuses and lists of all participants instead of previous two separate graphs
- It will display a single percentage that represent the % of people that have reached the “Completed” state.
- The “Completed” state will vary depending on the form setup.
- These include Skipped, Done (If it was just submitted), Approved (If that is the final state), or Released.
- New statuses reflect the next step in a Form Workflow:
- Awaiting Approval - The form has been submitted, but not approved.
- Awaiting Release - The next step in the workflow is a release. After a submission or approval.
- New built-in Smart Bucket: Manager or IC
- This is particularly helpful for Engagement Survey reporting.
- It splits the jobs in an org into Managers and IC using:
- is:manager
- is:ic
- Updated Apps management experience so that every active App that is syncing now has its own dedicated Sync History tab
- Updated filter experience in Sync History with two updates
- Filters in Sync History are maintained after you navigate to details and return to the list
- You can now send a link with any filters in the syncs
- Updated ATS syncs with Greenhouse, Lever, or Jobvite so that you can specify the Announce Date for New Hires
- Updated Reviews and Surveys with Sheet and Individual Views for Form Responses. Three new ways to view Form Responses:
- Summary: Automatically generate a summary with every form based on submissions. Look at the form responses in the same order as the questions, with preconfigured response types to match the type of question. For instance, Single Select type of questions result in a chart showing popularity of answers, whereas Short Text type of questions result in a table of responses with optional AI summary.
- Sheet: View the responses in a Data Sheet like view to scan across all the answers more quickly for a great compatitive view
- Individual: Dive into an individual form response to look at their answers as a complete submission.
- Updated Data Sharing Access types for Scenarios including three new types
- Standard Data Access: The user will only see changes within that scenario that they would be able to see within the current Organization (non-Scenario), given their access role.
- Limited Data Access: The user will only see changes for jobs or people below them in the org chart. They cannot view or edit Scenario changes above them or outside their reporting line, regardless of their regular ChartHop access role. Limited editors cannot view the total cost summary.
- Full Data Access: Overrides the individual's current user permissions, allowing them full access to all the changes to data in the scenario, which could potentially include sensitive information (such as compensation) depending on their ChartHop Access Role. It is recommended to only assign those Permissions to individuals who regularly have access to Highly Sensitive information.
- Org Chart Exports have been updated with four improvements
- No longer showing Departments or Groups with zero headcount in Summary Table
- Removed redundant color legend slide (previously followed the summary table)
- Magnification/zoom level is now more consistent across slides
- Removed tendency to show CEO on slides when leader of the Department/Group wasn't the CEO
- Expanded Form options include Mobile compatible Standalone format and ability to configure Form display name
- New Core Views page in Admin to configure default views for Org Chart, Data Sheet, and Map
- Can now schedule Actions to run on specific Months (for example, every 3 Jan, April, July, and October)
- Improved Send Form workflow within Engagement Surveys and Performance Reviews including ability to select to send forms via Email or Slack
- In Org Chart, improved default organization of Fields in Visualize dropdown to highlight most popular options at the top
- Customize which Fields are highlighted and visible in Visualize dropdown
- Visualize multiple Fields in Org Chart (up to 3)
- New configuration options for Home Page (in Admin) with options to select or remove elements like Calendar, People Moves, etc
- Default Notification format now with All Org option
- Option to send forms to Email or Slack when sending via an Action
- Automatically generated Form Response Summaries now with support for all question types
- Roles & Permissions page now with improved design
- 3 new Single Change Workflows, aka Simple Workflows, added to Scenarios for Headcount Planning and HRIS modules:
- Create Job: add a new job to your organization
- Update Job: edit details on any existing job in your organization
- Terminate and Backfill: submit termination details and optionally request a backfill
- HRIS Module is now available for purchase. HRIS is the 5th ChartHop module that works seamlessly with Headcount Planning, Compensation Reviews, Performance Reviews, and Engagement. The HRIS module includes:
- Configure onboarding and onboarding workflows with custom forms, tasks, and messages
- New Onboarding and Offboarding views under People Ops Tools
- Track onboarding and offboarding progress from Employee Profiles
- Create and share employee Resource pages for the whole company to access
- Option to limit to specific Employees, Departments, and Groups with Private option
- Manage Time Off with configurable request workflows and display who’s out on the dynamic Calendar view
- Review, Approve, and Reject Time Off requests directly in Slack
- Sync payroll information from ChartHop to your payroll system with a two-way sync option for ADP Workforce Now
- Expanded options for recipients of Actions including Onboarding Buddies, Peer Reviewers, Recruiters, specific People, and any other custom option
- Tasks Page is now available on the Profile as a Profile Tab. This provides more visibility into current and past tasks including state like pending, completed, or skipped.
- Fields table in the Data Model > Fields view has been upgraded with many new features. It is more performant and with a refined UX including resizable columns, sort options, field types visible, and much more.
- Build-In Fields are now configurable to tailor them to your organization including changing name, category, description, and sensitivity type.
- Field Types are now enhanced with icons to improve findability and user experience. These icons appear in create/edit field workflows and when adding questions to forms.
- Ability to tag or reference another person with an @ symbol through the ChartHop platform. Just start typing @ in a text editor and option to select a person will appear. That tag then creates a link to that person's profile.
- Form Response Summaries are now available in Forms, Reviews, and Surveys. ChartHop will now automatically create a summary for a form, ordering responses in the same sequence as the form was designed, and generating charts to look at aggregate data for most types.
- Automated Actions now include ability to set custom subject lines for emails
- New Navigation and organization for the ChartHop app including:
- Updated and redesigned left sidebar menu with improved organization of ChartHop capabilities and options
- Updated top utility bar with company logo, breadcrumb navigation, global search, and buttons to access Help, Notification Center, Hide Sensitive Information filter, and User Settings.
- New quick Help options include Ask AI option, quick links contextual to page user is on, and quick links to Help Center and Carrot (CQL) Reference.
- Reports is now called Dashboards in the ChartHop navigation and throughout the app.
- Surveys now have a dedicated page within ChartHop called Engagement and no longer share the same page with Reviews. It is also possible to move any current or historic Surveys to Engagement for better organization.
- The ADP Data Connector app is now available for all customers. Connect your ADP Workforce Now instance to ChartHop in a matter of minutes.
- The Workday Reports app is now available for all customers. ChartHop can ingest people and job data from a configured Workday Report, to make data integration easier than ever.
- The backfillFor field now behaves the same way that an automatic backfill behaves, when looking at Job History.
- Now, if a new job is created as a backfill for an old job, the Job History for the old job will show up in the Job History of the new job, so ChartHop users can see the history of the job over time.
- Carta app now supported in Sync History.
- E-Trade app now supported in Sync History.
- Support for Forms to use some of the Built-in Person fields like Gender, Ethnicity, Birth Date and more
- Custom mapping to Department and Office fields now supported in Greehouse sync
- Two variations for the built-in Role, People Ops Admin:
- People Ops Admin (No comp data)
- People Ops Admin (No sensistive data)
- SFTP now supported in Sync History
- New built-in Role, People Ops Admin, which is an admin level role with access to sensitive data and workflow management
- Syncing Profile images with Slack now more reliable
- Ability to access Profiles of departed employees
- Ability to uninstall Bundles including ability to uninstall associated fields as part of the uninstall process
- Bug Fixed with Filters when selecting Field Category, it now generates the correct selectable list to choose from
- Updated Forms and Reports tables
- Bug Fixed with Images syncing from ADP integration
- Ability to share Reports, Scenarios, and Datasheets with Departments and Teams
- Updated Tasks list on the home page
- Added ability to add “soft” or “hard” deadlines to a form within a Review
- Added ability to allow forms to be skipped within a Review
- Added new graph for monitoring progress within a Review
- View As now supports viewing as a person not yet invited to the organization
- Updated design of Forms settings page so it is better organized and easier to understand
- New Scenarios view consolidates all scenarios into one unified, sortable table. Update includes new bulk actions for combining, archiving, unarchiving, and deleting.
- New scenario.merge event that can be used to trigger Actions, such as notifications, when a scenario is merged
- Ability to close a form within a Review
- Added error handling when selecting ineligible user to notify after approval
- Added the "Powered by Carta" logo in the Equity tab
- New Carta App - UI Improvements
- Updated Sapling logo
- Show collaborators in reviews/approver config panel
- Performance improvements
- Bug Fixed Comp Reviews Status tag does not change color
- ERROR for missing workdayID
- Restore spacing between person and job title on the history page
- Fixed issue with tabbing out of search box sets a "q" in the path resulting in a blank screen on refresh
- Formatting improvements for Rich Text Editor
- Added related comments to the email sent when a compensation review is rejected.
- Added the ability to select a fallback approver for scenarios in Org settings.
- Fixed an issue where multipliers weren’t showing when configuring compensation bands.
- Fixed an issue where the head of an org chart could not be edited in the Job edit dialog.
- Fixed an issue where updates to persons would falsely validate required fields.
- Fixed an issue where required fields were not enforced for the department field.
ATS App Integrations:
- Fixed an issue where the currency and interval fields from Lever would not map to the would not map to Lever's compensationBand object.
- Fixed an issue where the Lever-API failed when compensationBand_Max had a value.
- Fixed an issue where patch requests to re-open jobs were sent before deleting the opening in Greenhouse.
- Fixed an issue where pre-mapped jobs were transferred when matched to the job grouping criteria.
- Fixed an issue where newly generated req codes didn’t appear in confirmation emails.
- Fixed an issue where multiple openings were created when setting jobs to active status.
- Fixed an issue where total compensation displayed the incorrect org currency in the Compensation tab in the employee profile.
- Fixed an issue where all grants associated with an employee did not display in the Personal history and Equity grants tabs in the employee profile.
- Fixed an issue where interval and currency values were not sent successfully to outbound integrations when compensation bands were updated.
- Fixed an issue where the Equity grants tab in the employee profile did not display the correct message when equity grants were not found.
- Fixed an issue where Job history tabs did not render correctly.
- Added the ability to export compensation information in multiple columns. Provides the ability to make more detailed bulk edit compensation changes with a spreadsheet upload.
- Changed the Create and Edit field dialogs to use checkboxes instead of sliders.
- Added the ability to view the Slack ID for ChartHop users in the Data Sheet. Can help troubleshoot which ChartHop users have Slack IDs or not.
- Added the ability to map compensation band information from an external system to fields in ChartHop.
- Added the ability to export comments from a Scenario.
Compensation reviews:
- Updated the Comp reviews module to require typing the word “launch” before confirming that you want to launch a Compensation review.
- Fixed an issue where exported data was not reflecting the same values as shown in the Comp Review page.
- Added support for using variableTarget sub-fields in CSV uploads and custom field mapping.
- Added the BaseCompChanges field which returns a list of the changes to a job’s base compensation over time in chronological order.
- Added the ability to set effective dates for retired bands.
- Added a new Stock Price Rolling Average org option to support the ability to configure the number of days used in the average stock price calculation.
Org chart:
- Added improved color logic in the Org chart to help with readability.
- Added the ability to omit sensitive data when exporting an Org chart.
- Selecting a collaborator’s photo in Scenarios or Compensation Reviews opens sharing settings.
- Updated sharing options in Scenarios to be parallel in both name and order.
Compensation Reviews:
- Updated the All Reviews due date option to have the auto-skip checkbox unchecked by default on the Key Dates tab.
- Added the ability to export comments from a compensation review.
- Cycle owners have been relabeled as "Compensation Review Owner(s)”.
- Added the ability for reviewers and approvers to be able to reject skipped proposals.
- Fixed an issue where exporting variableTarget from the Data sheet with a variableTargetPercent would export the wrong variableTarget value.
- Fixed an issue where the Save button would not activate in the Edit Job modal when Hours Per Week, Weeks Per Year, hourly, or base were changed.
- Fixed an issue where even though HoursPerWeek and WeeksPerYear existed in the spreadsheet import wizard, they couldn’t be used in uploads.
- Fixed an issue where stockGrants would return null when used in a template.
- Fixed an issue where Smart Default Currencies were not properly set when importing employee data syncs with non-US countries.
- Fixed an issue where baseComp or fields would not have the same display settings as their parent fields when set in Compensation Reviews or Scenarios.
- Fixed an issue where ATS outbound syncs would take longer to complete for non-US clients.
- Added the ability to enter an effective date when retiring compensation bands.
- Added the ability to edit Start Date at Org startDateOrg from the Data Sheet and through spreadsheet import.
- Added the ability to configure the number of days used to calculate average public stock price.
- Added the ability to edit Planned Start Date startDatePlanned through spreadsheet import and data sync.
- Added an option to export the Org Chart without employee names. Deselecting the new Include employee names option when exporting removes employee names from exported slides.
- Added an option to export the Org Chart with sensitive data (for example, certain open jobs). The new Include sensitive data option is selected by default when the sensitive data eye icon is toggled to visible. When sensitive data is hidden, you must select the Include sensitive data option to include sensitive data in the export.
- Added support for up to three linear approvers in scenario approvals (currently in Beta).
- Added ability for Basic ChartHop customers to disable birthday and anniversary actions.
- Added option to display and configure the number of decimal places used in tooltip labels for charts.
- Added the ability to edit hours and weeks directly within the Base baseComp field.
- Fixed an issue where there was a discrepancy in calculations between stock valuation in Org Settings and in employee equity grant profile tabs.
- Improved the error message that a user receives if a form won’t load.
- Improved the naming convention for downloaded files to better indicate what is contained in the file:
- Reports (CSV format): [org-name]-[chartName]-[timestamp].csv
- Reports: [org name]-[reportName]-[timestamp].pptx
- Org charts: [org name]-["org-chart"]-[timestamp].pptx
- Adjusted the table chart settings to include a more easily understood Show Total Column option.
- Adjusted where missing location information is shown on the Map page.
Compensation reviews:
- Added support for a custom effective date for primary data used for a compensation review. Setting an effective date for primary data allows compensation review owners to control the date that employee data, including compensation and reporting structure, is used as a basis for a compensation review.
- Added the ability to manually skip a reviewer during a compensation review.
- Added the ability for reviewers and approvers to choose a different currency in budget visualizations for a compensation review.
- Fixed an issue where users could not visualize the Org chart by base salary.
- Fixed an issue where not all data was displaying for Compensation bands.
- To better reflect current functionality, the Delete compensation bands button has been renamed to Retire compensation bands
- Added support for reports to allow y-axis ticks to include smart maximums and evenly spaced tick intervals.
- Added the ability for ATS inbound job data syncs to fully process jobs without complete data.
Compensation reviews:
- Added the new Reviewer dropdown in the Full team overview tab, which allows you to view all employee pods that a reviewer/approver is responsible for in a compensation review.
- Added support for the department, manager, reviewer and Carrot filters to be applied to the budget visualizations on the Full team overview tab.
- Changed the startDate() function to update from the "planned" start date to the "actual" start date once the job has been filled.
- Changed the startDateOrg() function to update from a "NULL" start date to the "actual" start date once the job has been filled.
- Updated the Planned grant field by splitting it into three distinct fields:
- Planned grant
- Planned grant (shares)
- Planned grant (value)
- Fixed an issue in the Greenhouse ATS integration app where job codes matched using the 'Group Job Openings' setting when "Title” was set to “None” would not create job openings under their respective matched jobs.
- Fixed an issue where the custom conversion rate would not allow any value above four characters in the Currencies and Costs tab of Org settings.
- Fixed an issue where spreadsheets for bands with custom job levels were missing the “Delete” column in the job levels tab when exported.
- Fixed an issue where “base” would not display for employees when selected from the Visualize dropdown in the Org chart.
- Fixed an issue where point markers were being incorrectly cropped in line and area charts.
- Fixed an issue where cloning a report with the Ignore report filters option toggled on, would result in the new report having the feature toggled off.
- Fixed an issue where tier values couldn’t be duplicated between band tiers.
- Fixed an issue where job cards in PowerPoints would not have any color applied to them when exporting an org chart to PowerPoint if the Highlight boxes option was set to the default value of "Department and Team”.
- Fixed an issue where text content in the Compare field in Reports could not be deleted.
- Fixed an issue where the About tab in employee profiles did not properly display start dates for upcoming new hires.
- Fixed an issue where comp band job groupings did not display in the same format they were uploaded in.
- Fixed an issue where creating new bands with previously used job level IDs would result in errors.
- Fixed an issue where downloaded spreadsheet templates for bands with multipliers were missing their multipliers.
- Fixed an issue where band locations would not update when using the wizard.
- Fixed an issue where failed ATS webhooks did not show error messages in the Sync History page.
- Fixed an issue where org charts wouldn’t generate when applying filters to the embeddable org chart app.
- Added the ability to edit the baseComp field so that users can update hourly and annual compensation from the same field when performing budget allocations in compensation reviews or in the Data Sheet.
- Compensation bands graphs have been updated to display band levels more clearly.
Compensation reviews:
- Added the ability to automatically skip incomplete approvals and mark them as Skipped after the All reviews due date passes. This clears any remaining To-dos for lower-level approvers and allows final approvers to complete their final approval.
- When the new Skip incomplete reviews after due date option is selected, the All reviews due field is disabled automatically once a cycle has been launched to prevent changes from being made.
- To prevent any errors, the Final approvals due date cannot be edited after the compensation review has been launched.
- To better align with its functionality, the Send Reminder option is available only from the Cycle Overview tab for compensation review owners.
- Added a more streamlined Final Approvals page for final approvers.
- Added the ability to use custom column header colors in the reviewer workbook.
- Outbound error messages on the App Sync History page have been updated to display more helpful and informative error messages.
- Added the ability for the Workday Adaptive Planning app to automatically have access to all scenarios, compensation reviews, performance reviews, and headcount plans that are configured to be available for import in the app.
- Added support for multi-select fields for custom field mapping.
- Added the ability for Greenhouse users to be notified of any sync failures.
- Fixed an issue where loading anniversaries and birthdays on the dashboard prevented users from clicking links on the page.
- Fixed an issue where compensation bands data did not display completely when the Table view was selected.
- Fixed an issue where changes were not saved when trying to update a single-select custom field using the Edit job option.
- Fixed an issue where template filters were interpreting commas incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where statuses in the App Sync History page displayed inconsistently.
- Fixed an issue where the History page was not refreshing after changes were made based on filter and display selections.
- Fixed an issue where custom fields displayed with incorrect capitalization and multi-select fields were truncated incorrectly in Edit dialogs.
- Fixed an issue where users could not select a value within a field because the value had an extra space at the end, which caused errors.
- Fixed an issue where the Workday Adaptive Planning app would display an error when it did not have access to a scenario or compensation review that was not shared with the app.
- Fixed an issue in reports charts where selecting the % of total option as an aggregation caused an error with the value formatting in the chart.
- Fixed an issue where payroll syncs did not sync images correctly to ChartHop.
- Fixed an issue where indicators on the x-axis were incorrectly cropped in horizontal bar charts.
- Fixed an issue where the ATS Req ID value was not updated after outbound job creation failed.
- Fixed an issue where manually hiring a person in ChartHop did not update the recruit status to Pending.
- Fixed an issue where adding a new job to a scenario and exporting the Org Chart in the scenario caused an error.
Updated 12 Aug 2024
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