Time off
Includes fields related to time off including sick days, jury duty, vacation, etc.
Field name | Function | Field code |
Days Off (All Types) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year. | daysOff.all |
Days Off (Bereavement) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- bereavement only. | daysOff.bereavement |
Days Off (In Lieu) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- time off in lieu. | daysOff.toil |
Days Off (Jury Duty) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- jury duty days only. | daysOff.jury |
Days Off (LT Disability) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- long term disability. | daysOff.disabilityLong |
Days Off (Medical) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- medical only. | daysOff.medical |
Days Off (Military) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- military only. | daysOff.military |
Days Off (Offsite) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- offsite only. | daysOff.offsite |
Days Off (Parental) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- maternity, paternity, or other parental leave. | daysOff.parental |
Days Off (PTO) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- paid time off only. | daysOff.pto |
Days Off (Religious) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- religious only. | daysOff.religious |
Days Off (Sick) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- sick days only. | daysOff.sick |
Days Off (ST Disability) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- short term disability. | daysOff.disabilityShort |
Days Off (Unknown) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- unknown only. | daysOff.unknown |
Days Off (Unpaid) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- unpaid time off. | daysOff.unpaid |
Days Off (Vacation) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- vacation only. | daysOff.vacation |
Days Off (Voting) | The number of days that the person has taken, or been approved, in the current calendar year -- voting only. | daysOff.voting |
Days Off Used (current year) | Returns a variety of data points related to days off taken or approved in the current year. Use the properties of the DaysOff datatype to pull relevant data. | daysOff |
Days Off Taken (current year) | The number of days that the person has taken off so far in the current calendar year. | daysOffTaken.all |
Days Off Upcoming (current year) | The number of days that the person has approved, but not yet taken, in the current calendar year. | daysOffUpcoming.all |
Next Day Off | The soonest upcoming date that the person has approved to take off. | nextDayOff |
Previous Day Off | The most recent date that the person has taken off. | prevDayOff |
Next Time Off | The summary of the person's soonest upcoming time off. | nextTimeOff |
Previous Time Off | The summary of the person's most recent time off. | prevTimeOff |