ChartHop for Administrators
User management

View as another user


Roles: Owner | Technical owner | Sensitive data viewer | Sensitive data viewer (limited comp)

Users with the appropriate role can view ChartHop as a different user to verify what they can view.

For example, after inviting new users, you can use the View as feature to view ChartHop as that user to explore what data they have access to. You can also use View as to verify that a form or survey you've assigned to a user or group of users is displaying for the appropriate users.

View as another user

To view as another user:

  1. Select your profile icon in the upper-right corner and choose View as another user.
  2. In the View as dialog, enter the name of the user that you'd like to view as.
  3. To stop viewing as the user you selected, select your profile icon and choose Stop viewing as.
