Creating custom fields
You can create your own custom fields. For example, you may need to synchronize custom data from other HR systems or create forms such as engagement surveys or questionnaires for your employees.
ChartHop supports a variety of data types for custom fields, including multiple-choice values, yes/no answers, dates, and calculations. You can also create text fields that allow you or your employees to answer in-depth questions for use in performance reviews or one-on-one conversations.
Depending on the data sensitivity options you select, you can view your custom data anywhere in ChartHop—such as on the Data Sheet, on the Org Chart, or in reports. When you create a custom field, you control access to the data at the field level.
Finally, you can organize your fields into categories so they are easier to work with. For example, you can create a Payroll category that holds any custom fields you have created for payroll information.
The number of custom fields you can add varies according to your ChartHop package. Learn more.

To add a custom field, complete the following steps:
- From the left sidebar, select Data Model.
- From the sub-menu, select Fields.
- On the Fields page, select Create field.
- In the Create field dialog, configure your field. See the field configuration table below for descriptions.
- Select Save to finish adding your custom field.
This table describes custom field configuration settings:
Setting | Description | Example |
Label | The field's unique name. Enter a short, descriptive label that reflects the field's intended use. This label displays throughout ChartHop to your users. Field labels cannot begin with numbers. Once you have defined this label, you can easily change it later. | Portfolio link Performance Number |
Field code | The field's internal code. This code is used for calculations and formulas within ChartHop. The field code is automatically generated. Field codes use only letters and numbers (no spaces or punctuation) and cannot begin with numbers. ChartHop recommends not changing the field code after it has been defined to avoid any potential calculation and report errors. | portfoliolink PerformanceNumber |
Category | How the field is grouped within ChartHop. This setting enables you to organize your fields by category. Categories are also used to control access to custom fields. For example, if you assign a custom field to the Personal category, only those with access to the Personal fields can view the data. Learn more. You can search for an existing category or enter a new one. When this is left blank, the field is added to the Uncategorized category. | Recruiting Performance |
Description | (Optional) A short description of the field that describes its intended purpose. This description displays to all users who have access to the field. If you are adding a smart field, be sure to add a description of how it works and what it does. Learn more. | This field stores links to the candidate's portfolio. This field stores the number rating given during a performance audit. |
Data type | The type of information that the field stores. The data type determines how ChartHop captures and stores information. Learn more. You can select from the following options:
| Short text Percentage |
Applies to | Where in ChartHop the field is used. Learn more. | People People in jobs |
Display formatting | How ChartHop displays the field’s values. This setting only affects display formatting throughout ChartHop - it does not change the exact value that is entered and stored. You can select from the following:
This setting displays only for the Percentage, Money, and Smart calculation data types. | Rounded |
Expire after | (Optional) The expiration for data added to this field (for example, when developing a form for a dated event). | 90 days |
Sensitivity | The field's sensitivity level. This setting determines who can see and access the field throughout ChartHop. Learn more. | Manager shared Highly sensitive |
Enable edit dialog | Whether users have the ability to edit this field directly from a person or job's profile page. | |
Make the field unique | Whether the field values for this field must be unique. When enabled, ChartHop enforces that the value for this field must be unique (see section below). This setting displays only for fields with Short text or Integer number data types that apply to people in jobs. | |
In some cases, you may want to use a field to uniquely identify the respondent or employee associated with the data. One example of this is creating a custom field that is used to store a secondary employee ID.
When you mark a custom field as unique, you cannot update that field directly in ChartHop and the field displays as read-only. Unique fields can only be updated through a sync with another system or by doing a spreadsheet upload. This restriction helps enforce the unique value and prevent errors.
Only fields with Short text or Integer number data types that apply to people in jobs can be set as unique.