Compensation band fields.
Field name | Description | Field code |
Comp Band | The compensation band that determines compensation range. | compBand |
Comp Band Base Interval | The pay interval that the compensation range is specified in. | compBand.baseInterval |
Comp Band Base Maximum | The upper bound of the base compensation range. | compBand.baseMax |
Comp Band Base - Maximum With Multipliers | The upper bound of the base compensation range, with all applicable multipliers applied. | compBand.baseMax.withMultipliers |
Comp Band Base - Midpoint | The midpoint of the base compensation range. | compBand.baseMid |
Comp Band Base - Midpoint With Multipliers | The midpoint of the base compensation range, with all applicable multipliers applied. | compBand.baseMid.withMultipliers |
Comp Band Base - Minimum | The lower bound of the base compensation range. | compBand.baseMin |
Comp Band Base - Minimum With Multipliers | The lower bound of the base compensation range, with all applicable multipliers applied. | compBand.baseMin.withMultipliers |
Comp Band Base - Pay Range | The percentage above and below the midpoint that defines the upper and lower bounds of the band. For example, a value of 30% with a midpoint of 100,000 would create a pay range of 70,000-130,000. | compBand.baseSpread |
Comp Band Base - Target | A guideline value for the band which may be different from the midpoint. | compBand.baseTarget |
Comp Band Base - Target Percentile | A guideline value for the band which may be different from the midpoint, specified as a percentile between baseMin and baseMax. | compBand.baseTargetPercentile |
Comp Band Equity - Target (money) | The target equity amount, specified as a monetary value. | compBand.equityTargetValue |
Comp Band Equity - Target (percent of base) | The target equity amount, specified as a percentage of the job's actual base. | compBand.equityTargetPercentOfBase |
Comp Band Equity - Target (shares) | The target equity amount, specified in number of shares. | compBand.equityTargetShares |
Comp Band Variable - Target (money) | The target variable pay amount, specified as a monetary value. | compBand.variableValue |
Comp Band Variable - Target (percent of base) | The target variable pay amount, specified as a percentage of the job's actual base. | compBand.variablePercentOfBase |
Comp Band - Department | The top-level grouping of your compensation bands. | compBand.tier |
Comp Band - Job Level | The universal job level for the given band. | compBand.jobLevel |
Comp Band - Job Family | The second level grouping of your compensation bands. | compBand.jobFamily |
Compa Ratio – band midpoint | The job's base pay, divided by the midpoint of its comp band. Expressed as a percentage. | compaRatioMid |
Compa Ratio – band target | The job's base pay, divided by the target pay of its comp band. Expressed as a percentage. | compaRatioTarget |