ChartHop for Administrators
Managing groups

Creating departments

Roles: Technical owner | Org editor 

You can create departments to fully capture the structure of your ChartHop organization.

To create a department:

  1. From the left sidebar, select Data Model.
  2. From the sub-menu, select Departments.
  3. Select Create department from the upper right of the Departments page.
  4. From the New Department right side panel, configure your department using the following settings:
    • Department name: The name of the department.
    • Department code: A short code or code number used to uniquely identify the department in other systems.
    • Aliases: An alternative name that can be used for the group when syncing with remote systems. Learn more.
    • Color: The color that will be applied in the org chart to the group's members.
    • Image: An image shown on the group's profile page.
    • Parent group: The group that this group is a child under.
    • Function: The designated business function assigned to the group.
      • Functions are fixed categories and cannot be customized.
  5. Select Save when you're done.