ChartHop for Administrators
User management
Inviting users

Customizing invitations

Using the Customize Invitation tab, you can create a custom email template to invite users to your ChartHop organization.

Customize invitation

Create a custom welcome email

To customize the welcome email that invites users to access your ChartHop organization:

  1. From the left sidebar, select Access.
  2. From the sub-menu, select Settings.
  3. Scroll to the Invitation Email section on the page
  4. Create or edit your custom welcome email message using the Rich Text editor or using Markdown.
  5. Select Save settings when you've completed your email template.

Send test email

Once you've created an email template, you can test how it looks by selecting Send test email. Selecting the Send test email button automatically sends a test email to your registered email address.

Example welcome email