Editing settings for a scenario
Roles: Recruiting editor | Owner | Technical owner
After you’ve created your scenario, you can go back and edit the scenario settings (for example, name and description). You can also adjust the dates of your scenario.

To edit scenario settings, you must be the scenario owner and your scenario must have a status of In Progress and a review status of Open.
For more control over how your scenario changes are affected by adjustments to scenario dates, use the Adjust dates option. Learn more.
To edit the settings of your scenario:
- From the left sidebar, select Planning.
- Navigate and open the In Progress scenario you want to edit.
- On the top right corner of your scenario, select the Actions ▼ dropdown.
- When scenario approvals are required for your organization, select the Submit for approval ▼ button instead.
- You cannot edit scenarios that are currently under approval review.
- Select Edit scenario details.
- Edit your scenario settings.
- Scenario name - The name of the scenario (for example, Q4 Hiring Plan).
- Start date - The date when the changes proposed in the scenario are intended to go into effect. This can be either the current date or an exact date.
- Description - A description of the scenario.
- Select Save to save your edits.
You can make adjustments to the dates of your scenario after you’ve created it.
To adjust scenario dates, you must be the scenario owner and your scenario must have a status of In Progress and a review status of Open.

To adjust the dates for your scenario:
- From the left sidebar, select Planning.
- Navigate and open the In Progress scenario you want to edit.
- On the top right corner of your scenario, select the Actions ▼ dropdown.
- When scenario approvals are required for your organization, select the Submit for approval ▼ button instead.
- You cannot edit scenarios that are currently under approval review.
- Select Adjust dates.
- Enter a new start date for your scenario.
- This is the date when the changes proposed in the scenario are intended to go into effect.
- The New start date field defaults to the current date.
- Select how the new date is applied to the changes in your scenario:
- Select whether dates are adjusted only for scenario changes prior to the new start date you entered.
- When you select the Only changes prior option, all changes in the scenario are adjusted to the new start date.
- Select whether dates are adjusted equally for all changes in the scenario.
- When you select the All changes in scenario option, you can enter a number of days to adjust scenario changes forward.
- All changes are updated by the number of days you enter. For example, when you enter 3 days, a scenario change with a date of 04/10 and another scenario change with a date of 04/12 are both adjusted to 04/13 and 04/15 (+3 days).
- Once you’re done making adjustments, select Adjust dates.
- Select Close once all dates have been adjusted.
- The Date column in the Changes tables of your scenarios reflects the adjusted dates.