ChartHop for Administrators
Access Settings
Configuring SSO options

Setting up Google SSO

You can configure your ChartHop organization with Google SSO. Google SSO requires employees in your ChartHop organization to have Gmail accounts.

Set up Google SSO

To get started, visit Google's SSO Setup instruction page.

Set up Google SSO in ChartHop

After completing Google's SSO setup instructions, you can enable the Google SSO option in ChartHop. In ChartHop, make sure your Organization is configured to accept Google SSO:

  1. From the left sidebar, select Access.
  2. From the sub-menu, select Settings.
  3. Scroll to the SSO section on the page
  4. Select the Enable Google SSO option.
  5. Select Save settings.

ChartHop automatically configures your SSO by matching your company-issued Gmail account to the email assigned to you in your ChartHop user account when you attempt to sign on.

Test the new login with Google SSO to ChartHop

To test your Google SSO configuration with ChartHop:

  1. Log out of ChartHop.
  2. Visit:{org-slug}/account/login where {org-slug} is your ChartHop organization's unique slug.
  3. Confirm that your Google sign-in displays on the login screen.

If you encounter any issues during or after testing your Google SSO setup, please reach out to [email protected].