Getting around in ChartHop
Home page
When you sign in to ChartHop, the Home page displays. What you see here is configurable by your ChartHop administrator.
The upper area on the ChartHop Home page contains the following sections:
- In the upper right corner, the total number of People and Active Open Jobs for your organization.
- The next section is a customizable message from your organization.

On the lower area of the Home page for all ChartHop packages, three panels show the following information:
- People Moves - Recent title changes, transfers, promotions, or departures.
- Open Jobs - Open positions in your org.
- Anniversaries and Birthdays - Current work anniversaries and birthdays.
People moves are Org public unless you set their announce date to the future. Learn more.
Open job visibility is determined by ChartHop's roles and permissions. For example, you can set a job's Sensitivity to Highly sensitive so that only users with access to that level can view it. Learn more.
Updated 11 Apr 2024

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