Org Chart
After you have uploaded your employee roster and historical data to ChartHop, you can use the Org Chart to navigate parts of your organization that include its departments, teams, and employee profiles.
The top left corner also displays the total number of people and open jobs in your org. Open jobs are included in the total regardless of their recruiting status.

From the lower left corner, you can zoom in and out or change the orientation of the Org Chart. You can also adjust the view with your mouse or trackpad.
Control | Description |
Orientation | Change the orientation from vertical to horizontal by selecting the corresponding icon. |
Zoom | Select the Plus (+) or Minus (-) icons to zoom in or out. You can also enter a specific zoom percentage. When you zoom in on the Org Chart, people cards are dynamically shown or hidden based on where you are in the organization structure. |
Reset view | Select Reset view to return to the default view. |
ChartHop intelligently abbreviates job titles in the Org Chart when you zoom in or resize your browser window. For example, "Senior Vice President" becomes "SVP".
Depending on the size of your org, you may not be able to fit all employees on the screen at once. When this happens, you can use the expansion arrows to navigate. Select an expansion arrow to view the department or team below an employee (for example, a reporting line under a manager).
Hover your cursor over an expansion arrow to preview the employees and jobs underneath it.

Use the search box in the upper right corner to search for jobs, people, or groups. To view an open role or a person's profile, enter the job title, and the results appear as you type. To locate a person, enter their name and click it to load their profile.
Select a manager to view only their team and its direct reports.
Double-click any card in the Org Chart to view the employee profile information for that employee. The data you see depends on your permissions.
You can use the date slider at the top of the page to view the Org Chart as it was in the past, or as it will appear in the future when new hires join your organization. Select the date and then select Today to return to today's date. Bookmark this view to save an always-current snapshot of your ChartHop org.
With the Visualize menu, you can highlight specific fields within your Org Chart.
Based on the attribute you choose, employee cards display color-coded labels. For example, if you select Department, each employee's department is displayed.