Merging a scenario
Once you and your stakeholders have agreed on the changes proposed in a scenario, you can merge those changes into the primary branch of your ChartHop organization using the Merge to primary feature.
Only users with the Owner or Org editor role can merge a scenario to the primary branch of an organization, regardless of whether approvals are required.
When approvals are enabled for a scenario, approvers must review and fully approve the scenario before it can be merged. Learn more.
Merges are permanent actions. Once a merge is complete, all proposed changes in a scenario are put into effect and are displayed to the rest of your organization in ChartHop (depending on the sensitivity of the change and the level of user access level).
Once you merge a scenario, the status of the scenario changes to Merged and the scenario displays in the Merged tab of the Scenarios page.
Accessing the merged scenario displays the date/time the scenario was merged and the name of the user who merged it.
Roles: Owner | Org editor | Recruiter editor