Monitoring participation in a survey
To monitor the overall participation in a survey, go to the Forms tab within the survey. Each form will display the status of the indiviual forms and the overall completion percentage.

Depending on the configuration of your form, your will see different statuses to reflect that various states of form completion or Form responses workflows. Here are the statuses:
Awaiting the next action:
- Pending - The form is awaiting initial submission.
- Awaiting Approval - The form has been submitted but not approved.
- Awaiting Release - The for has been submitted and if applicable approved but not yet released.
Completed statuses: These contribute to the completion percentage in the center of the graph.
- Done - The form has been submitted and that is the final step.
- Approved - The form has been approved and that is the final step.
- Released - The form has been released and that is the final step.
- Skipped - The form has been skipped and will not be completed.
End statuses:
- Expired - The form has closed and these forms will not be completed.
- Rejected - The form response was rejected and will then be again awaiting approval.
On the Tasks tab, you can view a list of all the tasks. All tasks associated with the survey display on this tab, regardless of form or completion status. From the Tasks tab, you can see all participants the associated forms, the associated task, task status, sent date/time, due date/time and completion date/time.

You can filter the list by form, the specific task required, status, by participant or by specific name.
You can find an overview of all of the statuses within Managing tasks.
For each task, you can use the row menu (⋮) to view:
- view the participant on the Org Chart
- send a reminder
You can send task specific reminders directly from the Tasks tab to encourage a participant to submit their form. This is helpful for when you want to send a reminder only to a specific participant.
To send a task reminder:
- In the Tasks tab, navigate to the task you want to send a reminder for.
- In the the row menu (⋮) for that task, select Send task reminder. The reminder is sent automatically to the participant associated with that task.
When a participant is transferred or changed during a participant and there are pending tasks, all pending tasks are deleted and the previous participant is no longer able to submit. The new participant receives the pending tasks.
Deleting a task permanently removes the task from the survey and clears all associated pending tasks for individuals.
To delete a task:
- In the Tasks tab, navigate to the task you want to delete.
- In the the row menu (⋮) for that task, select Delete task. The Delete task dialog displays with a summary of the task.
- Select Confirm to delete.
If you would like to delete tasks in bulk, you can do so on the Tasks page. Survey Managing tasks for details.
From the Tasks tab, you have the ability to export employee data as a spreadsheet.
To export tasks:
- In the Tasks tab, select Export CSV. The Export CSV dialog displays.
- In the Export type dropdown, select an export type. You can select from the following:
- Data Sheet - Exports a list of employees and titles for the entered date.
- Comp History - Exports compensation history.
- Data Collection History - Exports form data collected during the current survey cycle.
- Pending Taks Only - Exports a list of pending tasks.
- All Tasks - Exports a list of all tasks associated with the current survey cycle.
- User Lists - Exports a list of all ChartHop users, including the email associated with their ChartHop account, last active date/time, and access role.
- (Optional) Select whether to include ChartHop IDs or former employees (if applicable) in the spreadsheet.
- Select Export.
- Once the export is complete, select Download to save the generated .csv file.