With the Paylocity app, you can sync your payroll data to ChartHop, which automatically builds your org chart and keeps it up to date. Synced data includes titles, contact information, demographics, compensation, managers, departments, and locations.
The following table summarizes ChartHop’s Paylocity app.
Supported ChartHop packages |
Prerequisites | A ChartHop account with the Owner role and a Paylocity API key. |
API key permissions | API key is required.ChartHop assistance is required for this app. Paylocity requires certain request forms to acquire API keys. Work with ChartHop’s Professional Services team to request an API key from your Paylocity representative. |
Data direction | Inbound from Paylocity to ChartHop |
Sync cadence | Daily or as needed |
Effective dating support | No |
Additional field mapping support | For Premium customers, additional field mapping is available for the Employees field category. Note that you cannot map Paylocity custom fields to ChartHop fields. Please direct all custom mapping requests to ChartHop’s Professional Services team. |
Payroll app overview | Read an overview of how payroll apps work in ChartHop. |
Synced Data | The default synced data from Paylocity to ChartHop. |