ChartHop for Administrators
Requiring fields when opening ...

Setting required fields

When creating and editing a custom field in ChartHop, you can configure the field to be required.

To set a field to be required, you can either create a custom field or select an eligible existing ChartHop field. Learn more.

Make a Built-in field required

You can modify a ChartHop built-in field to be required when creating and editing jobs.

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To make a built-in field required:

  1. Select Data Model from the left sidebar
  2. Select Fields from the sub-menu.
  3. On the Fields page, select the ChartHop field you wish to modify.
    • Note that only a subset of built-in fields can be made required. Learn more.
  4. Check Required to create or update job.
  5. Select Save to finish modifying the built-in field.

Make a Custom field required

You can modify a custom field to be required when creating and editing jobs.

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To make a custom field required:

  1. From the left sidebar, select Data Model.
  2. From the sub-menu, select Field Categories.
  3. On the Fields page, select New field.
  4. In the New field dialog, ensure that you have following settings:
    • Enable Edit Dialog is checked on.
      • This option will ensure that your field will appear in the Custom tab section of your job's profile page.
    • Applies to is set to Jobs.
    • Required to create or update job is checked on.
  5. Complete the configuration of your field.
  6. Select Save when finished.