Sync history
On the App sync history page, you can view and manage data syncs between ChartHop and your Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), Payroll, and Equity systems, along with spreadsheet imports.
Depending on your org role, there are restrictions on data and categories you can view in a particular sync. As a general principle, only users who have access and may need to manage the data being synced are able to see the relevant app sync. See the table below for a general list of sync details that each role has access to view:
Role | Access |
Owner | Unrestricted access |
Org Editor | Unrestricted access |
Technical Owner |
Recruiting Editor | May only view inbound or outbound ATS job data syncs. |
Recruiters | May only view inbound or outbound ATS job data syncs. |
Other roles | No access. |
On the App sync history page, you can view a list of information about your syncs including, their status, direction, cause, and summaries. The App sync history page contains a list view that lays out a summary of your sync history. By default, the list view displays the sync history of all ATS, payroll, and equity apps that you have installed in ChartHop.
The Sync completed column lists the completion time for a sync. You can select the link under the Sync completed column to access that particular sync's details page. Learn more.
The App name column contains information about the specific app that had a sync (e.g., the name and the logo)
The Status column tracks the result of a sync. Sync statuses are as follows:
Status | Description |
Complete | The sync was successfully completed without errors. |
Complete with Errors | The sync was completed, but experienced partial errors. |
In progress | The sync is currently in progress. Note: ATS syncs will not show up on the sync history page until the entire sync is completed, and therefore, will not have an “In-Progress” status. |
Failed | The sync did not complete successfully due to error(s). |
The Direction column tracks a sync's data flow type. Directional sync types are as follows:
Type | Description |
Inbound | Data is pulled from an external system to ChartHop, with the external system being the source of truth. |
Outbound | Data is pushed from ChartHop to an external system, with ChartHop being the source of truth. |
The Cause column tracks the reason a sync was triggered. Cause types are as follows:
Type | Description |
Scheduled | Triggered automatically, based on the configurations set in an apps’ settings page Typically occurs when “Run Daily” is selected. |
Manual | Triggered manually, |
Event-based | For ATS apps only. Triggered by a specific criteria or condition (e.g., candidate is hired in the ATS), |
Web Service | For FP&A apps only. ChartHop data is made available for FP&A apps to pull from. |
A sync's summary provides a high-level overview of the sync results.
To view more information about specific errors and/or warnings related to a sync, visit the sync's App sync details page by selecting the link found under the Sync completed column.
The person responsible for initiating the sync. If the Cause of the sync triggered by a Manual or Event-Based action in ChartHop, then the column will display the name of the employee that triggered it. Otherwise, if the Cause of the sync is Scheduled or otherwise was triggered by an action in a remote system, then the column will display the name of the app.
Roles: Technical Owner | Owner | Org Editor | Recruiting Editor | Recruiter