Add new people to ChartHop
You can import a CSV or spreadsheet file to add people to ChartHop. Ensure that the data in your file conforms to ChartHop's formatting requirements.
To add new people to your ChartHop organization, complete the following steps:
- From the Settings menu (gear icon) in the left sidebar, select Import Spreadsheet data.
- On the right side of the page, select Add new people.
- Select Download template. A CSV template downloads to your computer.
- Add your data to the CSV template, including any optional columns.
- Save the template under a new name.
- On the Upload your spreadsheet page, drag the template to the target area.
- Ensure the Allow spreadsheet to create new people and jobs setting is selected. It is enabled by default.
- Select Upload to org.
- For any fields in your spreadsheet that weren’t automatically matched to a ChartHop field, select a ChartHop field to match to your spreadsheet column. You may need to scroll to see all unmatched fields, which are highlighted in red.
- Once all columns are matched, select Continue with import to finish importing data.
- (Optional) When upload is complete, select View Details to see a summary.
When matching spreadsheet columns with ChartHop fields, select None of these to skip a column. Skipped columns are not imported.
The following columns are required:
Column | Description | Example |
Work Email | Employee's work email address; must be the first column. | |
First Name | Employee's first name. | Joan |
Last Name | Employee's last name. | Smith |
Job Title | Employee's job title. | Senior Technical Writer |
Start Date | Employee's start date. | 1/5/2022 |
Manager | Email address for the employee's manager. |
The following columns are optional:
Column | Description | Example |
Pref Name | Any first name or nickname that is different from legal name. | Sunny |
Pref Last | Any last name or nickname that is different from legal name. | Jones |
Middle Name | Full legal middle name. | Trevor |
Employee ID | Alphanumeric string representing the employee. | 1001 |
Base | Annual base income. | $100,000 |
Hourly | Hourly base income. | $37.50 |
Hours Per Week | Number of hours worked per week. | 40 |
Variable | Annual bonus or on-target earnings (OTE). | $20,000 |
Variable Type | Type of variable compensation: bonus or commission. | bonus |
Currency | Three-letter currency code, if non-USD, for the currency the job is paid in. Learn more. | GBP |
Band | Name of the compensation band. Note that bands must be created first. Learn more. | L3 |
Date of Birth | Employee's birth date. | 12/26/1986 |
Department | Department the person belongs to. | Enterprise |
Employment | Employment status, as follows:
| full |
Ethnicity | Employee's ethnicity. | Asian |
Gender | Employee's gender. | Male |
Location | Employee's geographic location. | New York |
Team | The team or teams the employee belongs to; separate multiple teams with semicolons. | Engineering; Technology |
Mobile Phone | Employee's mobile phone. | 7187778888 |
contact.homePhone | Employee's home phone. | 7187778888 |
contact.workPhone | Employee's work phone. | 7187778888 |
Street 1 | Employee's street address. | 222 Example St. |
Street 2 | Employee's apartment, if any. | #4E |
City | Employee's city. | Brooklyn |
State | Employee's state. | NY |
Postal Code | Employee's postal code. | 11209 |
Country | Employee's country. | US |
Roles: Owner | Org editor