ChartHop for Employees
Customize your employee profil...

Control what people see on your profile

You get to decide who in your organization can see specific personal information. For example, you can configure your settings so that only you can see your birthday.

Administrators at your organization with the following access roles can still view this information, even when you change the visibility settings:

  • Sensitive data viewer
  • Owner
  • Org editor

Birthdays continue to display in the Calendar on the Home page for those with sensitive data access.

Visibility settings for your profile

Visibility settings control who can see the information on your profile. For example, if you want to hide your birthday so that nobody can see it, you can change the Visibility dropdown in the Birthday row to Personal. This indicates that only you will be able to see your birthday on your profile.

Depending on your organization's settings, you might not be able to control the visibility settings for all fields.

Who can see this information? dialog

The following visibility settings are available:




Only you can see this information.


Only you and your manager (and managers above you through your reporting line) can see this information.

Org shared

Everyone in your organization can see this information.

You always have access to your own sensitive personal data and it displays on your employee profile to you when you don't have sensitive data hidden.

To hide your sensitive data, for example, when screen-sharing your profile with someone else, toggle the eye icon to hidden. Learn more.

Hide information on my profile

Other people in your organization can't see any of your sensitive data (such as your home address or full birthdate) unless they specifically have access to it (such as an HR coordinator).

However, you can still hide certain public information from your profile, depending on your organization's configuration.

Who can see this information? link

To hide information on your employee profile:

  1. From the left sidebar, select My Profile.
  2. In the About employee profile tab, select the Who can see this information? link. 
  3. In the Who can see this information? dialog, edit the visibility settings of the information you want to hide.
    • You can choose from the following options:
      • Personal - Only you can see this information.
      • Manager-shared - Only your manager (and managers above you through your reporting line) can see this information.
      • Org public - Everyone in your organization can see this information.
  4. Once you’re done editing, select Save settings.