ChartHop for Administrators

Create a scenario

ChartHop gives you the ability to create different types of scenarios for the changes you’re proposing to your organization.

Any employee can create a scenario and edit scenarios shared with them. The data they see is governed by their access role. For example, if someone has the Employee role and is a manager they will be able to see the compensation for their direct reports. If they do not have a role that allows them to see compensation, no compensation data is shown.

Keep in mind that a scenario is private to the user who creates it until they share it.

To create a scenario:

  1. From the left sidebar, select Planning.
  2. Select Create Scenario.
  3. Select the type of scenario you want to create:
    • Simple Workflows - Simple workflows are guided workflows for a change to a singular person or job.
      • Create Job - Create a new job Data Required: Manager, Title
      • Update Job - Choose from a dropdown menu of existing and open jobs (active and inactive) to edit Data Required: A change must be made to any filled-in fields, fill in an empty field, or remove a value from a field.
      • Terminate job (with or without a backfill) - Terminate a job, set termination reasons, and determine and edit backfill details. Data Required: Termination date, announce date, choose backfill or not
    • Other Scenario Types
      • Promotion Planning- Use this type to propose title and promotion changes in an organization. When you use this scenario type, the scenario automatically generates blank change fields for the group of people you indicate in the Planning for the field.
      • Budget Scenario - Plan with a budget to meet a set budget. This scenario type is only available to the following roles: Cash Compensation Viewer, Equity Compensation Viewer, Compensation Viewer, Org Editor, People Ops Admin, and Owner.
      • Custom Scenario - Propose multiple organization changes (for example, hiring and reorganization).
  4. In the New Scenario dialog, enter information about your scenario: Scenario name - The name of the scenario (for example, Q4 Hiring Plan). Start date - The date when the changes proposed in the scenario are intended to go into effect. This can be either the current date or an exact date. Planning for - Filter to display the group of people whose roles you're editing. This field displays only when you select the Promotion Planning scenario types. Description - A description of the scenario.
  5. Select Create.

Copy a scenario

As a scenario owner, you can copy one of your other scenarios, including all of its changes, when you want to create an exact copy to customize further.  

You can copy scenarios that are currently In Progress and Archived. You can’t copy scenarios that have already been merged.

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To copy a scenario:

  1. From the left sidebar, select Planning.
  2. Select Create Scenario.
  3. Navigate to the scenario you want to copy.
    • Depending on the scenario status, it may be located on the In Progress or Archived tabs.
  4. Select the checkbox next to the scenario you want to copy.
  5. In the menu that displays above the Scenarios list, select Copy
  6. Enter the Scenario name, Start date, Scenario type, and Description for the copied scenario. 
  7. Select Create.
    • A copy of the scenario is created.
    • If you are copying a Simple Workflow Scenario, the copy will be saved as a Custom Scenario.

When you copy a scenario, sharing permissions are not copied over to the new scenario. If you’re collaborating with others in the scenario, you’ll have to re-share the scenario and establish new scenario permissions. Learn more.