Getting around in ChartHop
Data Sheet

Editing data in the Data Sheet

Depending on your permissions, you can edit a subset of your people data directly from the Data Sheet.

Changes made from the Data Sheet take place immediately. You should use this option for changes to your organization that have already been agreed to by your HR stakeholders. You must have permission to edit a field to edit it.

You can give stakeholders a preview of your changes when you use a ChartHop scenario. Scenarios allow you to create a version of your organization with your changes that you can share with others to get approval. After approval, you can merge the scenario with your primary organization. Scenarios are only available to ChartHop Planning and Premium customers. Contact your ChartHop representative if you want to upgrade your subscription to access this feature.

You can edit fields related to open jobs and people within your organization directly from the Data Sheet. Using the Data Sheet to make these changes helps you make changes like updating multiple job titles at once when a department name changes. You can also change a department name.

You can also work with open jobs and either remove them or edit their details.

People move operations such as transfers, backfills, and so on are also available from the Data Sheet. Learn more.

Edit a single entry

Not all fields are editable from the Data Sheet. You won't be able to edit fields derived by calculations or that are time-based such as Last Raise Date. Fields that you can edit are highlighted in yellow.

You may need to add columns to your Data Sheet view to ensure the field you want to edit is displayed.

To edit data:

  1. Select Data Sheet from the left sidebar.
  2. Select Edit or double-click a cell to enter edit mode. Fields you can edit are highlighted in yellow.
  3. Select a field cell to update.
    • Type a new value or choose from a dropdown list of values.
    • To clear a value, select the field and then select the X.
  4. Select Save Changes.

Bulk edit multiple entries

You can make changes to multiple people or jobs in the list at the same time. For example, you may need to change the department for a group of employees.

Remember that any changes you make take place immediately unless you are working in a Scenario.

To edit multiple entries:

  1. Select Data Sheet from the left sidebar.
  2. To select more than one row, select one row, then hold the Control (Windows) or Command (Mac) key and select each of the other rows you wish to edit.
  3. Select Edit > Bulk Edit.
  4. In the Bulk Edit Jobs dialog box, make any changes.
  5. Select Save to Primary.

Remove open jobs

You can remove open jobs on the Data Sheet either one by one or in bulk.

If you have integrated ChartHop with your applicant tracking system (ATS), consider the following:

  • When you close a job in your ATS, the ChartHop job is set to inactive. If you want to remove the job after it is closed, you’ll need to remove it in both systems.
  • If you are using ChartHop as your source-of-truth, when you remove the job, it is removed from your ATS system during the next sync.
  • If you are using your ATS system as your source of truth, you should remove open jobs from your ATS system first and then remove the job from ChartHop. 

Remember that any changes take place on the effective date you specify, unless you are working in a Scenario.

To remove open jobs:

  1. Select Data Sheet from the left sidebar.
  2. Select the filter icon to view the Filters dialog.
  3. Select the Open Jobs checkbox to filter the Data Sheet to show only open jobs.
  4. Select the row or rows you want to remove. To select more than one row, select one row, then hold the Control (Windows) or Command (Mac) key and select each of the other rows you wish to edit.
  5. Select Edit > Bulk Remove.
  6. In the Bulk Remove Jobs dialog box, edit the date you want the change to be effective, if needed.
  7. Select Save to Primary.