Synced data from TriNet
The table below lists the default data set that is synced from TriNet to ChartHop.
ChartHop field label | ChartHop field code | Trinet field code |
Base | base | employees.payInfo.compFrequency, employees.payInfo.compRate |
Birth Date | birthdate | employees.bioInfo.birthdate |
City - Home Address | | |
Country - Home Address | | |
Date | date | employees.employmentInfo.serviceDate |
Department | department | employees.employmentInfo.department.deptName |
Employment | employment | employees.employmentInfo.employeeType |
End Date | enddate | employees.employmentInfo.terminationDate |
Ethnicity | ethnicity | employees.bioInfo.ethnicity |
First Name | name.first | employees.names[?(@.nameType == 'PRI')].firstName.first() |
Gender | gender | employees.bioInfo.gender |
Hourly | hourly | employees.payInfo.compFrequency, employees.payInfo.compRate |
Last Name | name.last | employees.names[?(@.nameType == 'PRI')].lastName.first() |
Location | location | employees.employmentInfo.location.locationName |
Manager | manager | employees.employmentInfo.supervisor.supervisorId |
Middle Name | name.middle | employees.names[?(@.nameType == 'PRI')].middleName.first() |
Preferred First Name | name.pref | employees.names[?(@.nameType == 'PRF')].firstName.first() |
Start Date | startdate | employees.employmentInfo.serviceDate |
State - Home Address | address.state | employees.homeAddress.state |
Street 1 - Home Address | address.street1 | employees.homeAddress.address1 |
Street 2 - Home Address | address.street2 | employees.homeAddress.address2 |
Title | title | employees.employmentInfo.businessTitle |
Work Email | contact.workemail | employees.employmentInfo.workEmail |
Work Phone | contact.workphone | employees.employmentInfo.workPhone |
Zip/Postal - Home Address | address.postal | employees.homeAddress.postalCode |
Used to store time off information | timeoff.approval | timeoffCalendar.status |
Used to store time off information | timeoff.days | |
Used to store time off information | timeoff.enddate | |
Used to store time off information | timeoff.hours | timeoffCalendar.hours |
Used to store time off information | | timeoffCalendar.employeeId, |
Used to store time off information | timeoff.startdate | |
Used to store time off information | timeoff.type | timeoffCalendar.type |