Synced data from Ultipro
The table below lists the default data set that is synced from Ultipro to ChartHop.
ChartHop field label | ChartHop field code | Ultipro field code |
Birth Date | birthdate | person-details.dateOfBirth |
City - Home Address | | person-details.addressCity |
Country - Home Address | | person-details.addressCountry |
Date | date | employee-job-history-details.jobEffectiveDate |
Department | department | employment-details.orgLevel1Code, employee-job-history-details.orgLevel1Code, employment-details.fullTimeOrPartTimeCode, employee-job-history-details.fullTimeOrPartTime |
End Date | enddate | employment-details.dateOfTermination |
Ethnicity | ethnicity | person-details.ethnicDescription |
First Name | name.first | person-details.firstName |
Gender | gender | person-details.gender |
Home email | contact.homeemail | person-details.emailAddressAlternate |
Home Phone | contact.homephone | person-details.homePhone |
Last Name | name.last | person-details.lastName |
Location | location | employment-details.primaryWorkLocationCode, employee-job-history-details.locationCode |
Manager | manager | employment-details.supervisorID, employee-job-history-details.supervisorId |
Middle Name | name.middle | person-details.middleName |
Preferred First Name | name.pref | person-details.preferredName |
Promotion | promotion | employee-job-history-details.isPromotion |
Start Date | startdate | employment-details.lastHireDate |
State - Home Address | address.state | person-details.addressState |
Street 1 - Home Address | address.street1 | person-details.addressLine1 |
Street 2 - Home Address | address.street2 | person-details.addressLine2 |
Street 3 - Home Address | address.street3 | person-details.addressLine3 |
Title | title | employment-details.jobDescription, employee-job-history-details.jobDescription, employee-job-history-details.hourlyPayRate |
Work email | contact.workemail | person-details.emailAddress |
Zip/Postal - Home Address | address.postal | person-details.addressZipCode |
See Hourly compensation rate calculations and Comp Transform below | hours | employee-job-history-details.salaryOrHourly, employee-job-history-details.annualSalary |
Used to store compensation information | type | employment-details.employeeStatusCode, employee-job-history-details.jobChangeReasonCode, employee-job-history-details.employeeStatus, employee-job-history-details.reasonCode |
The hourly field defaults to 40.0 (hours) but is derived in the following ways:
- weeks = annualSalary / weeklyPayRate
- hours = annualSalary / hourlyPayRate / weeks
This assumes hours are derived per week from a base salary and a scaled hours per day and weeks per year figure against the defaults of 52 weeks per year and 40 hours per week.
Hourly workers, from UKG get an annualized salary, an amount paid weekly, and an amount paid hourly. For example, if an employee has annualSalary=50,000, weeklyPayRate=1000 and hourlyPayRate=20 , the calculations become:
- weeks = 50000 / 1000 = 50
- hours = 50000 / 20 / 50 = 50
Using the example above, the employee makes $50,000 a year by working 50, 50-hour weeks at $20 an hour. Said another way, they make $1000 a week for each of the 50 weeks they work, because they work 50 hours per week and 50 * 20 = 1000.