Troubleshooting compensation bands
This section provides answers and solutions to potential questions and issues you may run into when setting up your compensation bands in ChartHop.
What if I don’t have unique names for each band ID?
All compensation bands must have unique names. If your names are not unique, ChartHop recommends creating a repeatable system of naming conventions for your compensation bands.
Why don’t I see the location multiplier option?
The location multiplier displays only when you have location data already populated within ChartHop.
Where do locations come from?
The locations that display for multiplier configuration are populated from the location groups you create in ChartHop. To view or add a location group, from the left sidebar, select the Settings (gear) menu and select Groups. Select the Location tab to view all your defined locations.
What if my job levels aren’t exact matches with Radford or Option Impact? Do I still have to map to those market job leveling systems?
When setting up your job levels in the questionnaire, in the Job level source dropdown, select In-house job leveling system. In the Comparable market job level system dropdown, select None / Other. Setting up your job levels with these options allows you to specify custom names for your job levels and skip any mapping to Radford/Option Impact.
Can I modify the spreadsheet I downloaded from the wizard?
No, do not modify the headers or order of the columns in the spreadsheet. Do not add or delete any columns. ChartHop validates your compensation data based on the included column headers. To change the options that are included in the spreadsheet, feel free to go back through the wizard and adjust your questionnaire selections. If you’ve already completed the wizard, see the following question and answer.
I forgot to select an option during the questionnaire setup - how do I go back and add it?
Unfortunately, the spreadsheet columns are set once you complete the initial setup. ChartHop recommends the following workaround:
- From the left sidebar, select Data Model
- From the sub-menu, select Job Architecture > Compensation Bands.
- Select Edit to display the Edit compensation bands settings.
- Select Import changes.
- Select Download template with current data.
- Return to the Edit compensation bands settings.
- In the Delete section, select Delete all compensation bands to deactivate the current set of compensation bands.
- After you confirm the compensation bands have been deleted/deactivated, repeat the setup wizard process again.
- Please be sure to select the same options (or as similar as possible) as you did in your previous configuration.
- Select the new option(s) you want to add.
- Download the new spreadsheet that is generated.
- Copy the data from your previous spreadsheet into the new spreadsheet.
- Upload the new spreadsheet with the updated compensation band options.
- When you set an effective date, you must set the date in the future (for example, set it to the following day) so that the compensation bands do not overlap.
Can I upload my compensation bands spreadsheets using the standard .csv importer?
No, your compensation bands spreadsheets must be uploaded either within the compensation bands wizard or within the Edit compensation bands settings.
There’s empty fields in my spreadsheet - should I enter values in those fields?
No, that is not necessary. For example, if you selected both Hourly and Annual with different specification formats for each, you only need to fill out the columns that correspond to each of those specific formats.
I opened the downloaded spreadsheet in Numbers (instead of Excel) and I’m seeing weird formatting and formulas?
ChartHop recommends using Excel for filling out your downloaded spreadsheet. However, if necessary, you can still use Numbers to enter your compensation band data. The spreadsheet will automatically validate that the values you enter are in the right format and once you upload to ChartHop, there is an additional data tidying-up step to help make sure your data is uploaded correctly.
I selected Save and nothing seems to happen.
If you have a lot of compensation bands (for example, more than 300), it can take a while to upload all of your data. This can take anywhere between 30 seconds to a couple of minutes.
The compensation bands wizard is stuck on a step and I can’t move forward in the setup process.
Please reach out to ChartHop customer support for help with technical issues during setup.
How do I connect employees or jobs to compensation bands?
Once your bands are created, you can select Map your jobs to bands at the end of the wizard or select Edit and select Upload mapping within the Edit compensation bands settings.
Do I have to map compensation bands to every job?
No, you do not have to set compensation bands for every job. However, you must map a compensation band to every job that you do want to be associated with one, either using the spreadsheet or manually within the Compensation tab of the Edit Job dialog.
Can jobs automatically be updated with the corresponding compensation band based on job title?
Unfortunately, not at this time.
What happens to the compensation band if a person leaves a job?
Compensation bands are associated with jobs, not the individual, so it will continue to remain associated and visible. Please keep this in mind if the compensation band should change for the next hire or if you don’t want the new hire to see the job’s previous band.
What determines the order of compensation bands in the generated spreadsheet and on the graph view?
Compensation bands display in the order you enter them in the downloaded spreadsheet.
What are the “with multipliers” fields?
When your ChartHop organization uses built-in multipliers, the “with multipliers” versions of fields display the value of the underlying field (for example, Comp band base minimum) with any applicable multipliers already applied.
Can I expand access to compensation bands beyond those with Sensitive access?
Unfortunately, not at this time.
Does my spreadsheet have to include all my compensation bands when editing or can I just add the new ones I wish to create?
You must currently include all compensation bands rows to prevent potential error messages.
Why did the dropdown/formatting disappear when I have the downloaded spreadsheet open in Excel?
Formatting is applied only to the first 999 rows. If you have more than 1000 compensation bands, you must copy the formatting to those blank rows before proceeding.