ChartHop for Administrators
Configuring financial settings
Managing currencies and costs

View past currency rates

When you have more than one currency set up for your organization, you have the ability to view past currency rates. This helps you keep track of how currency rates have changed over time and see clearly how ChartHop has been implementing currency conversions.

To view past currency rates:

  1. From the left sidebar, select Admin.
  2. From the sub-menu, select Financial.
  3. In the Currencies section, select the past currency rates link. This link is available only when you have more than one currency defined in the Currencies table.
  4. In the Past conversion rates dialog that displays, you can see the Rate, Effective date, and Source for each currency. You can use the Currency and Rates dropdowns to filter by currency and by time period.
  5. Once you're finished reviewing, select Close to exit the dialog.